Slumber Kittens

Guided Meditations for Deep Sleep and Relaxation

Meditations that bring you inner peace and let you sleep like a kitten

Relax and Sleep Better With Guided Meditations

Meditation is a great tool that could help you relax and sleep better. It is a scientifically proven method for dealing with stress-related problems, pain, anxiety, and more.

Meditation, especially mindfulness meditation, is also capable of improving your concentration levels and intuitive responses.

You see, in our modern life, it's a superb tool for dealing with life. Stress, anxiety, depression, and sleep problems have become so common, making meditation a part of your life is no longer just an option but a sort of a necessity.

We designed our guided meditations to improve your relaxation and sleep. Calming down and sleeping are two skills we got like walking or breathing. And we can train them to improve our lives.

If you have problems falling asleep or unwind in the evening, try our guided meditations. Purrfectly for beginners and meditators who want some more guidance.

Contact Us

We love meditation as it helps us deal with our thoughts, life, and all the shit, our mind comes up with to fuck up your lives. And we love helping people just like you to leverage meditation for improving their lives too.

Want to say hello? Give some feedback? Or anything else? Just message us.